Serve on Altar Guild

These leaders prepare our worship space each Sunday, as well as for all special services and celebrations. They work as a collaborative team and support our clergy in worship by caring for our sacred spaces and vessels. If you are interested in serving on this guild, please contact our parish office.

Serve as an Acolyte

Acolytes are lay leaders that guide our movements as we worship together. They carry our cross, Gospel book, and our torches. They help us to focus our hearts and minds, reminding us of God’s movement in our lives.

Anyone can serve as an Acolyte, even if they have never done this before! If you would like to serve as an acolyte, please contact our clergy.

Become a Chalice Bearer

These leaders assist our priest during Holy Communion by serving consecrated wine to those coming forward to receive Communion. Training is offered on an ongoing basis. So, if you feel called to serve in this ministry, please contact our clergy.

Read as a Lector

You can lead our parish in the reading of the appointed lessons from Scripture each week. Intercessors are also needed to guide us as we pray our prayers for our own needs and those of our community.

If you are interested in serving here, please contact our parish office.

Become a Eucharistic Visitor

In times of need, our parish comes together to support one another. Volunteers can supply a ride to an appointment, help with meals, or bring Communion to those who are unable to worship in person for any reason.

Please reach out to our clergy through the office at (847) 724 - 1341.

Offer Hospitality

Fellowship is an integral part of our community. When we have an opportunity to host a meal of gathering, we take it! So, if you are interested in assisting with fellowship or weekly Sunday coffee hour at St. David’s, please contact our parish office.

Become an Usher and Greeter

These leaders offer welcome to all our guests as they enter our worship space. They answer any questions and guide our visitors. Training is provided periodically for those who are interested in serving as an usher. So, if you are interested in becoming a part of this ministry, please contact our parish office.